AU1 112-2 Essay/Presentation 6: I Have a Dream

My name is Troy, and I have a dream.
I say to you today, humans! that even though there is lots of person dont even respect each other and belittle those who with different opinion ,majority violence is taking freedom of speech, but I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the dream for those who fight for or want the freedom of speech dream. 

I have a dream that one day we can listen or wait for just a second to understand those person we never care or has opinion that we don't agree, we don't have to hate those person with opinion you dont agree. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that every opinion is worth to be listened, without these opinion, we won't walk to this democracy social today. I have a dream that one day we won't hate or ignore those people who even support non-mainstream theories like no vaccine or fake moon landing.

I have a dream that one day even in the mid of the sea, where those person refuse every opinion that against their faith, we will eventually be kind and respectful to each other and everyone. I have a dream that we walk to the city and see everyone treat each other well and share their life without afraid to be contempt.

I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day we can not being jerk on internet and reality, we can try to accept all opinion we don't usually like and agree.
I have a dream today.
I hope that you too will share my dream, and that one day this dream will become a reality for us all.

Thank you!



AU1 112-1 Essay 6: Project:My Self Introduction

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